Students Corner

Students Corner

Sl. No. Month Date Day Occasion
1 January 01st Monday New Year
2 January 26th Friday Republic Day
3 February 14th Wednesday Saraswati Puja
4 March 26th Tuesday Holi
5 June 15th & 16th Saturday & Sunday Raja Festival
6 July 07th Sunday Ratha Yatra
7 August 15th Thursday Independence Day
8 September 07th Saturday Ganesh Puja*
9 October 02nd Wednesday Gandhi Jayanti
10 October 10th to 16th Thursday to Wednesday Durga Puja Holidays
11 October 31st Thursday Deepawali
12 December 25th Wednesday Christmas
N.B. :
  1. The Centre Director may declare maximum 2 days as Optional / Local Holiday.
  2. The Director reserves the right to modify / add / delete the holidays given above.

*Although not working day, the students and staff members should remain present for Puja. Staff members will be marked absent if not present.

By order of Board of Directors

Rights Responsibilities
To get printed Money Receipts of NICE for Admission Fees, Instalments, Examination Fees and other charges paid. To pay all instalments and other dues within due dates.
To get a qualified faculty for taking classes regularly. To attend all classes, practial sessions, seminars as per schedule.
To get certificate within 90 days of successful completion of course and conduct of examination . To appear at theory and practical examinations conducted on announced dates.
To get printed and quality Study Materials immediately after Admission. To maintain discipline in the Institute and use the computer and other systems with due care.
To verify the correctness of admission and other data from the website. To pay Registration / Admission amount and all fees by way of Deemand Drafts only.
To give feedback and suggestions, Lodge Complaints with Head Office for redressal of grievances if any. To keep photocopy of Demand Drafts and all money receipts in safe custody till the completion of course and issue of certificates.
coming soon…